5 powerful ways to deal with making mistakes again and again!

Raina Kathuria
3 min readAug 6, 2021

Thomas Alva Eddison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts at inventing the light bulb, and when he was asked “How did you feel to fail 1,000 times?” he replied “I didn’t fail 1,000 times. The light bulb was an invention of 1,000 steps.”

No one is exempted from failures and mistakes. Everyone has to face failure in one way or the other, it is our response towards our mistakes that determine our success. He became successful because he refused to be disappointed by his defeats.

This can help you if you are stressed about making a mistake:

1. Accept your mistake:

How can you switch on the car’s engine when you don’t identify that you’re leaving the clutch very fast, you’ll never be able to start a car and eventually give up because you didn’t identify the error. There is no scope for success when you don’t accept your mistake and work on it.

You must have the courage to accept your mistake and face it head-on. Being ignorant of the mistake is more dangerous than committing it. Identify where you were wrong, accept it and work on it.

2. Your response matters:

Two friends attempted to solve the same question of mathematics. Both of them were unable to do so. One of them gave up and said “There’s no way to solve this damn problem” but the other one kept on going through it again and again, identified his mistake every time he was wrong, and made sure that he did not repeat it the next time. He eventually got the answer.

Both the students were given the same problem, but it was their response that made a difference.

Everyone makes mistakes, everyone has to deal with them and your mistakes don’t define who you are, it is your response towards them that defines you.

Happiness and success depend upon the fighting spirit of each person. Things that happen to us are out of our control, but how we respond to them is in our control!

3. Mistakes take you closer to success:


Success is not the absence of failure; it is overcoming failure! Mistakes and learnings act as a catalyst to bring you even closer to success. It is the gap between ‘THE BEGINNER YOU’ and ‘THE MASTER YOU’. Each mistake acts as a stepping stone towards your victory.

Also, it is very important to LEARN from your mistake; “MISTAKES ARE AGREEMENT TO LEARN, NOT TO REPEAT.” If you don’t learn and keep on repeating the same mistake time and again, you will become stagnant and will eventually destroy your potential.

4. Mistakes = You are trying

Always remember that mistakes are proof that you are trying. At least you are putting in efforts and are doing better people who are just sitting and are not even giving a single try.

Only those who sincerely keep trying even after making mistakes are the ones who surely achieve whatever they desire!

5. Mistakes are redeemable:

There’s nothing that cannot be improved or redone. Always identify your mistake, learn from it and come back better! If you have made a mistake, you can always go back and correct it rather than giving up.

You can always fix the mistake and as nothing is impossible in life.

6. Talk it out:

Talk to a person who you feel is trustworthy, can make you feel better, give you suggestions as to how you can improve and, what are your strong points. You can let out whatever you feel is troubling you, communicating can immediately brighten up your mood and can make you feel light.

7. Intentional Journaling:

Intentional journaling means journaling with a clear intent in your mind. Keep telling yourself that “No matter what, I’m not giving up!”, “I’ll learn from every mistake”, “Mistakes are the stepping stones to success”, “I’m determined to win”. So, when your intentions become clear to you, you re-determine to make a comeback.

There are high chances that when you write your intentions clearly, your actions become aligned to what you wrote.

“Defeat is a detour, not a dead end. The greatest people in the world turn a setback into a comeback.”

Thank you for reading this blog I hope after reading this you’ll deal better with making mistakes!





Raina Kathuria

I’m an enthusiastic writer. I write about personal growth, productivity and lifestyle. I’m here to add value, inspire and motivate people through my writings.